28 Wedding Thank You Cards to Show Your Appreciation

May 25, 2017

24 Wedding Thank You Cards to Show Your Appreciation
Many couples assume that the hard work of organizing their wedding is over once they leave for their honeymoon. However, this is not the case as there are still things that need doing on your return home. One of the most important tasks is sorting through your wedding gifts.

This does not just involve unwrapping your presents; you must also document who sent each gift and then make sure you thank them properly for their thoughtful gift and for being a part of your special day.

There are some fantastic choices when it comes to buying wedding thank you cards, so it is possible to find stationery that matches the theme or style of your wedding. Here are some of the options.

1. Vintage 

Vintage cards are a way to say thank you in style. Opt for cards with classic or elegant scripts and those with vintage details and looks.

2. Rustic

If you would describe the style of your wedding as rustic, then it makes sense to opt for wedding thank you cards in the same style. Some ideas include a wood-effect background, lace trims or floral patterns. You can personalize a rustic card with a photo from your big day. 

3. Seasonal Style 

To depict the season of your wedding in the thank you cards you must choose an appropriate color scheme. There is a palette of colors that are typically associated with each of the seasons. A photograph of your wedding day added to the card is another way of showing some seasonal style.

4. Classy Modern 

If your preferred style is classy modern, there are some quirky twists you can try on your wedding thank you card designs. For example, gold calligraphy designs, watercolor floral pictures, and cute elements such as a chalkboard frame. These ideas are all classy with a modern twist.

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