Baby Girl Shower Invitations : Polka Dots Theme
August 02, 2017As you begin to pick the baby girl shower invitation, the theme should be one of the first things you choose. For a festive and fun baby shower, polka dots are just right. Polka dots are simple and cheerful, setting a casual tone for the party. A classic idea is to invite everyone to dress in pink or white and send pink and white invitations with polka dots and stripes to match the baby shower cake or cupcakes.
The bright circles are favorites for a reason. They bring smiles to faces and lend whimsy to invitations. Polka dots might be arranged in even rows, or they may simply tumble across an invitation like bouncing balls. Colors for these designs range from chic pink and gold to classic black and white; or even all the colors of the rainbow. Polka dots are wonderful when planning for a baby shower filled with plenty of lighthearted moments.